The best streaker in the world
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Mark Roberts is the Michael Jordan of streaking. Or is Michael Jordan the Mark Roberts of basketball?
Roberts has streaked a total of 380 times in the last 10 years, targeting such events as the morning news, a Mr. Universe contest, a Miss World contest, tennis matches, and his specialty, soccer matches. Nowadays, he is forced to give out his passport and other important documents before big soccer games, as a way to ensure he won't be streaking at these events.
This guy is hysterical because he usually writes hilarious and witty sayings on his stomach, back and ass (ex. at Wimbledon he had an arrow pointing down to his boys that said "New balls?"). He also does funny stuff once he's out there -- like the Moonwalk at the Super Bowl (he had "Super Bowel" written on his chest) or steal the soccer ball and take a shot on goal. He once gave the referee a red card and then streaked. He usually ends up getting tackled by security and he laughs as they carry him off the field. But by far the funniest part of his streaks is that he's the furthest thing from fit which adds to the comical value.
In his own words: "When you see me with my clothes off, you're gonna laugh."
- Mark Roberts website
- His best streaks - UEFA final, Super Bowl
- Wikipedia bio - Mark Roberts
posted by Michael Tavani @ 11:53 PM |