Urban Eola

The fallout of the 201 point game

Most sports fans probably know that last Saturday, Lincoln University (PA) set an N.C.A.A. record by defeating Ohio State-Marion, 201-78. The part that most people probably don't know is hilarious:

(from the New York Times article "University on Defensive for Scoring 201 points"): Ohio State-Marion's 44-year-old athletic director, Mark Sisler, is also the basketball coach - and a reserve guard because he has two years of college eligibility remaining. Sisler and five freshmen made the trip to Salem, WV for the tournament. Four Ohio State-Marion players shared a room at a motel that night while Sisler and his son, Bryant, a starter on the team, slept in the team van.

That's just not right.

posted by Michael Tavani @ 10:34 PM |


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