Urban Eola

Goin' Komando

Kim Komando's free email newsletters, cool sites and tips of the day, and buying guides are on everything tech and web-related are very informative. Today's news of the day stories on her site were particularly interesting.

Couple sells snow on Ebay // A Colorado couple is selling samples of snow on eBay. They are charging 99 cents. They don't expect bids. But they hope to give someone a good laugh.

Few people use RSS // RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication, a name that turns some people off. RSS can be a real time saver. It helps you keep up with new postings on Web sites. Many sites offer RSS, but figuring it out can be tricky.

Students reconsider online posts // Students are beginning to realize that online postings aren't private. Parents and employers may find MySpace or Facebook pages. And the students would like to keep their personal information private.

Start-ups take on Google // In the past few years, many new search sites have launched. Some focus on specific types of searches, such as video or medical. Others hope to become the next Google. And investors have poured a lot of money into these efforts.

Microsoft gifts cause stir // Microsoft sent computers to about 90 bloggers. The $2,200 laptops were loaded with Vista. When some bloggers disclosed the gifts, others started to complain. They accuse Microsoft of trying to bribe writers.

People look for Earth-friendly computers // Many people are considering environmental concerns when buying a computer. Some choose to buy refurbished machines. Others look at a computer's environmental rating. A Web site helps buyers see how environmentally friendly a new computer is.

Video sites take chances // Sites such as Stickam.com are attracting new users with uncensored video. Stickam lets people share the webcam live. But this is worrying to child safety organizations. They say Webcams are magnets for predators.

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posted by Michael Tavani @ 12:08 AM |


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