Urban Eola

10 Largest universities in the U.S.

This is a pretty interesting list that not many people know. It's no coincidence that the top two schools played in both the football and basketball national championship games.

Top 10 Largest Universities in the U.S. as of Fall 2006 (according to Wikipedia)

  1. 51,818: The Ohio State University - Columbus, OH
  2. 51,520: University of Florida - Gainesville, FL
  3. 51,234: Arizona State University (Tempe Campus) - Tempe, AZ
  4. 50,402: University of Minnesota Twin Cities - Minneapolis / St Paul, MN
  5. 49,738: The University of Texas - Austin, TX
  6. 46,907: University of Central Florida - Orlando, FL
  7. 45,520: Michigan State University - East Lansing, MI
  8. 45,487: Texas A&M University - College Station, TX
  9. 44,038: University of South Florida - Tampa, FL
  10. 42,914: The Pennsylvania State University (University Park) - University Park, PA


posted by Michael Tavani @ 12:05 PM |


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