Leon Bud commercials
Monday, June 25, 2007
The Bud "Leon" commercials from a couple years back are hilarious. The funny part of the whole thing is that the actor who plays "Leon" is actually an amateur baseball player named Nigel Thatch who, on May 1, 2006, was traded from Schaumburg (Ill.) of the Northern League to Fullerton (Ca.) of the Golden Baseball League in exchange for 60 cases of Budwesier beer. There are a whole series of the "Leon" commercials on YouTube, but below are my favorite three.
"Leon can't do everything"
Leon & Joe Buck on his good side
Leon interested in becoming a broadcaster
[via RW]
Labels: commercials, humor, video
posted by Michael Tavani @ 12:19 AM |
- At 1:59 PM, said...
Those are great! I love the last one, I hadn't seen that before! I work for the Bud.tv site, have you seen some of the video's on there, they are hilarious! Joe Buck has a really funny talk show on there too!