Urban Eola

The story of online entertainment and internet shows

The idea of a former Disney CEO
Former Disney CEO Michael Eisner has started a company called Vuguru, an internet video production company. It's first project is Prom Queen, a web series of 90-second shorts in 80 episodes that are distributed solely online (read the Washington Post story). The full season show length is just two hours long and the show "airs" seven days a week, since on the internet there are no programming schedules.

As for commercials...let's just say the characters drink a lot of prominently placed POM Wonderful (pomegranate juice) and Fiji Water for a reason.

Anyone can compete
This is a brilliant concept and one that allows any player (no matter how small) to compete for those elusive eyeballs. Check out the latest episode of Prom Queen. The content might not be your style, but you'll appreciate the production quality and style of watching shorts (90-seconds) on your computer.

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posted by Michael Tavani @ 1:00 PM |


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