Urban Eola

College coaches getting techy

The wonders of the internet have encroached on pretty much every industry... except for some. Now, in 2007, major college coaches (mostly football) have finally realized the power of the internets. And it's helping paying big dividends - helping them recruit young, tech-savvy athletes and connect with hungry fans desperate for more inside info. [Coaches reach fans and recruits with personal sites - Atlanta Journal-Constitution]

Next up: the DMV.

Some coaches sites
spurrierhbc.com: Steve Spurrier, South Carolina
playatgatech.com: Georgia Tech
beamerball.com: Frank Beamer, Virginia Tech
coachtressel.com: Jim Tressel, Ohio State
petecarroll.com: Pete Carroll, USC
houstonnutt.com: Houston Nutt, Arkansas
phillipfulmer.com: Phillip Fulmer, Tennessee

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posted by Michael Tavani @ 9:39 PM |


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