Urban Eola

80's music videos where have you gone?

Couldn't have said it better than loyal reader RW:

I hope when I was just a wee lad growing up in the 80's that I did not disrespect Journey because, as is evident by this video, Journey is a band deserving of some hard-core respect. I don't know if they are yet deserving to be mentioned alongside the greats like REO Speedwagon or Boston, but they're pretty solid. The mullets, the 'staches, the aviator glasses, the denim jackets, my brain is in overload just comprehending so much sweetness at one location and at one time! It would definitely be tough to identify one feature of this video that is your favorite, but for my money it is either the guy randomly playing a keyboard on a wall of a warehouse or the guy on the drums with a shirt that reads "foosball."

80's videos please come back! We all miss you!

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posted by Michael Tavani @ 12:20 PM |


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