Whatever happened to Urban Eola?
Thursday, January 10, 2008
After religiously blogging almost every day for two years (12.15.05 to 12.2.07), it looks like the Urban Eola mojo is gone. It's not due to a lack of love for all things urban, fresh or creative. It's mostly due to my web/entrepreneurial clarity and focus.
I learned a ton from doing this site - HTML, Photoshop, blogging. But in the end, I realized that it's hard to attract consistently large sets of eyeballs to a site as scattered as Urban Eola (retro kicks, the environment, funny ads, good-looking athletes). And with that, I'm moving on... to Web Based Brands. And I'm taking my UE influences/background with me. Urbaneola.com will remain up - browse through the 718 posts if you want. Also, I just checked the total stats -- we had 49,021 totals hits. Not bad for a kid who didn't know blogging from logging.
Thank you loyal readers RW, JB, MK, FT, TC, AT, AC, ES, SK, GT, CJ, and AM. Maybe someday we'll make a comeback.
Labels: UE-related
posted by Michael Tavani @ 9:47 PM |